Sonoma County Pro Life
Every life should live a lifetime
Our main goals are to educate the public concerning the life issues (e.g., abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, etc.), and to restore full legal protection for all innocent human beings
2025 Praise and Prayer Points
I. Praises
For Your mercy and grace in creating and sustaining the PLM for 51 years.
For all the electoral, legislative, and judicial victories we have won at the state and federal levels, including the repeal of Roe vs. Wade and the recent election of a President, Senate, and House of Representatives largely committed to the sanctity of human life.
For the life-saving care offered to mothers and their unborn babies at some 3K PRCs, serving over 2 million clients annually, and for ever increasing state and federal support of PRC’s.
For the closure of some 140 abortion clinics over the last three years
For 15 states that are now essentially abortion free, and for many others that significantly restrict access to abortion, choosing instead to support unborn children and their moms.
For recent victories at the federal level, including the pardon and release of imprisoned pro-life activists, the defunding of Planned Parenthood International, the defunding of all non-governmental organizations promoting abortion, and the reaffirmation of the Hyde Amendment, which prevents American tax dollars from being used for abortion.
For large majorities of Americans—and especially young Americans—who do not support the radical pro-abortion agenda, but who favor legal restrictions on abortion and government support for PRCs, and who oppose the coercion of medical professionals and the use of tax-payer dollars for abortion
For the 24K babies saved and mothers spared through the ministry of 40 Days for Life since 2007
II. Petitions
For a national and world-wide revival of conviction concerning the sanctity of human life, and its need of protection in law from the moment of conception to natural death
For America’s spiritual leaders, that they would teach and preach on all the life issues, and encourage their flocks to speak and act for life
For a spiritually awakened and politically engaged citizenry: that people would pray, vote, write letters to the editor and their elected representatives, and find ways to support the sanctity of human life in their community, as You may lead.
For Your protection and favor on national pro-life ministries: NRLC, Life News, Live Action, Students for Life, Operation Rescue, Susan B. Anthony List, Care-net, Heartbeat International, etc.
For the defunding of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and for the growth of Pregnancy Resource Centers and pro-life Community Health Clinics around the country.
For a restoration of the pro-life plank in the GOP party platform, spearheaded by GOP leaders who have received a fresh revelation of the sanctity of human life through Holy Scripture, the Declaration of Independence, the 14 th Amendment, and the testimony of their conscience.
For the closure of more abortion clinics across America, and especially of the Planned Parenthood clinic here in Santa Rosa
For an end to the scourge of chemical abortions; and for repentance in the hearts of all who manufacture, sell, or promote abortion-inducing drugs, including the FDA, internet suppliers, and pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid.
For the future passage of state-level pro-life initiatives and constitutional amendments, and for the defeat of their pro-abortion counterparts
For Your protection and favor upon all local pro-life ministries: Bridges Pregnancy Clinic, Life Pregnancy Services, Birthright, 40 Days of Life, and SCPL
For the health and safety of gender-confused youth; for repentance on the part medical professionals who are harming them; for the elimination of sexual grooming in public schools and on social media
For practical love and support for the sick, the suffering, and the depressed—whether young or old—and for a rejection of assisted suicide and euthanasia.
For new members of Sonoma County Pro-Life, and especially younger members with leadership gifts, who will carry the torch for life into the future (as we old-timers ride off into the sunset).